Centro de Recursos para Padres
Ofreciendo enlaces a desarollos, guías, polizas y herramientas para mantener a los padres y los adolecentes al dia.
6to-8vo Grado
Tiene niños en colegio intermedio ("middle school")? Obtenga recursos aquí.
9no-11vo Grado
Tiene adolecentes en la escuela secundaria ("high school")? Obtenga recursos aqui.
12vo Grado ("Class of 2020")
Los alumnos de duocecimo grado enfrentan un reto. Abatidos por la crisis. Obtenga unos recursos aqui.
Información Escolar
Los niños de M-DCPS y Charter Schools están en el segundo trimestre escolar. Énterese de los detalles.
Necesita una Maestra
Las materias del colegio no son como antes. Aprenda como puede apoyar a sus hijos desde casa.
Tranquilidad Emocional
Padres, la anxiedad, el estrés y el pánico son muy comunes. Vea los enlaces para el bienestar mental.
Es Dueño de un Negocio?
Sabemos como esta situacion puede afectar las finanzas. Existe ayuda para los dueños de negocios.
Conversación en el Hogar
Las horas y los días pueden parecer largas si no hay mucho que decir. Aquí hay unas ideas.
Actividades Virtuales para Todos
No hay que salir de casa para conocer el mundo VIRTUALMENTE.
6to a 8vo Grado
La escuela intermedia
Yo recuerdo cuando you enseñaba escuela intermedia. Es más recuerdo cuando mis hijas estaban en la escuela intermedia "middle school". Desde entonces mucho ha cambiado.
Esta época puede ser un reto para muchos adolesentes. Con la hormonas revueltas, situaciones emocionalmente sensibles y temperamentos impredicibles, algunos padres se ven al borde del ataque. Bueno, ahora que están encerrados en sus casas, maténganlos entretenidos y abiertos a una oportunidad de aprender más. Aqui hay unos enlaces que podrían serles util.
Estudiantes de M-DCPS
La Academia de Padres del sistema escolar de Miami-Dade está comprometida en ayudar a los padres de los alumnos del condado de Dade a ser en enlace del éxito para sus hijos. Visite su página para más información acerca del aprendizaje de sus hijos y conozca las últimos anuncios. https://parentacademymiami.com/
Daily Free Learning (Aprendizaje diario)
Clases gratuitas para alumnos.
Podcast para padres
Podcasts para padres (en íngles).
Homeschool Hideout (El bosquejo para el aprendizaje en casa)
Clases y lecciones para el aprendizaje en clases.
Ed Helper
Ayuda adicional para enriquecer las lecciones en casa.
7 Excellent Ways to Help Your Kid LOVE Math
Les garantizo que esto no estaba disponible cuando éramos niños.
17 Actividades frescas para la escuela intermedia
Desean ver a sus hijos más involucrados con actividades creadas por profesores quienes entienden a nuestros pequeños adolescentes.
Estimulando la Auto-estima
La escuela intermedia viene con muchos cambios, tantos físicos y psicologicos. Este enlace fue creado para profesores con el find de estimular una autoestima positiva. Quizas puedan usar las estrategias en casas.
Recuerden que si esto es un reto significativo, estamos a la orden para ustedes. Ofrecemos apoyo para ustedes. Puede apartar una cita gratuita aqui.
9no-11vo Grado
¿Tiene hijos en high school? Con tantas limitaciones debido a la pandemia, prepárese para escuchar: "Que aburrido estoy". Comparte estos enlaces con ellos inglés.
Boredom Fighting Activities
History on Demand
Why High School Should Be Teaching Life Skills
12vo Grado (Clase del 2021)
Si su hijo o hija se gradua este año, no sabemos como será el fin de año escolar. La pandemia a durado mucho más de lo que todos esperabamos. Esto puede ser un tiempo triste y preucupante. Estos enlaces pueden animarle o darle ideas de otras cosas que deben hacer para preparlos para cuando se graduen.
15 Life Skills Kids Need Before They Leave Home
“The good student who struggles in college –not with classes, but with living on their own” Don’t get side-tracked with the affiliate links, however the site offers great tips to ponder on when it comes to realizing if your Senior ready to go off to college. You don't have to wait until your kids are Seniors. If so, you got some time to cram a few life lessons.
“The good student who struggles in college –not with classes, but with living on their own” Don’t get side-tracked with the affiliate links, however the site offers great tips to ponder on when it comes to realizing if your Senior ready to go off to college. You don't have to wait until your kids are Seniors. If so, you got some time to cram a few life lessons.
Estudiantes de M-DCPS
Padres, manténganse informados de las notas de sus hijos accediendo el Portal de Padres. Tambien el Parent Academy provee recursos gratuitos.
From a Teens Perspective
The corona virus caused the class of 2020 to have their victory race cut short. Senior year is now half of what it was supposed to be and a lot of things that are looked forward to during this time were canceled. Prom was cancelled for seniors, graduations were conducted on-line. This can leave any Senior wondering..."was all of my hard work in vain?" Watch this video recorded last year and explore this pandemic's effect on senior year of high school and what this student's stance was. And no, I don't think the world is ending. Connect with Tochiangel ✰ on IG https://instagram.com/tochiangel_
Watch this:
Comparta sus ideas con nosotros por DM siguiéndonos en Instagram @parenteenmoments
Enviénos un correo electronico con sus preguntas a: mery@parenteenmoments.com
What About School
Public and charter school students in K-12 grade are officially out on Spring Break the week of March 23-27th. However schools will not reopen before April 15th. Based on how the COVID-19 is then, a final decision will be made regarding the kids going back. In the meantime, it's important to stay current on teachers' expectations. More about this after school is in session. Enjoy the break (at-home).
Need a Teacher?
Let's face it. School work is not what it use to be. Need school work assistance?
Read the latest about Distance Learning from the MDCPS District.
Distant Learning MDCPS
http://distancelearning.dadeschools.net/ - !/fullWidth/2998
More to come and contacts to share once school is back in session. Stay tuned.
Parents, these times can increase anxiety and even panic.
Get mindful guidance here.
"Experience The Elevated Vibe" with Anne Hayes (Speaker, Author, Poet, Rapper)
Are You A Business Owner?
There is assistance to help your business survive during this pandemic. Help is available. Florida Small Business Owners can now apply.
SBA Disaster Business Loan Application
(paper forms)
Below are instructions for the SBA Disaster Business Loan Application (paper forms). Please see attachments below to download corresponding forms.
- SBA Form 5. Download, print loan application and complete.
SBA Form 5 (en Español) - SBA 159D. Fee Disclosure Form and Compensation Agreement.
- SBA Form 1368. Download, print form and complete.
SBA Form 1368 (en Español) - SBA Form 413D Personal Financial Statement. Download, print form and complete or complete version online and print.
SBA Form 413D Personal Financial Statement (en Español) - IRS Form 4506-T. Download, Print form and complete or complete version online and print. Please see instructions.
IRS Form 4506-T Instructions. Follow example to complete form.
IRS Form 4506-T Instructions (en Español) - SBA Form 2202 Schedule of Liabilities. Print form and complete. This is a suggested format for the Schedule of Liabilities. The information contained in this schedule is a supplement to your balance sheet and should balance to the liabilities presented on that form. If you need assistance please see instructions.
SBA Form 2202 Schedule of Liabilities Instructions. Follow examples 1 through 8 for requested information. You may use your own form if you prefer. Any format is acceptable as long as it includes the information included in the instructions.
SBA Form 2202 Schedule of Liabilities (en Español) - PUERTO RICO ONLY: Modelo SC 2907: Release of Inheritance and Donation (en Español)
PUERTO RICO ONLY: Hacienda Statement of Authorization
All required documents listed in Filing Requirements must be returned. All forms requiring signature must be signed and dated. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
WANT MORE ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR BUSINESS? Visit http://acceleratesouthdade.com/
Conversation Starters
Conversation Starters
Parents often tell me they don’t know where to begin to have a “real” conversation with their child. These questions will get you started. Rather than badgering your child with them, use one as the jumping off point for a two-way conversation.
Staying home can be gloomy when there is nothing to say. Need ideas? This site has lots of information. https://www.ahaparenting.com/parenting-tools/communication/family-discussions
If you realize the disconnection is greater than you expected or you find yourself having a hard time listening, reach out to me. Remember I offer a complimentary clarity call. Book here: https://mery.as.me/clarity20
Lets Talk Money!
Your kids can learn about loan interest, importance of good credit and day-to- day business operations. This may be a good lesson for many parents as well. Get your pen and paper and enjoy.
Virtual Activites for All
This is an excellent time to see what you haven't seen yet, VIRTUALLY!
Brace yourself because there is ton here. Some is not local, but it doesn't matter, if you got internet, you got this! No need to pack or dress for the weather.
Take Some Cooking Lessons
25 Amazing Virtual Field Trips for Kids Spring 2020
Put your card away. No need to sit through a 90 min Time Share Presentation. These Virtual Field Trips will do the trick.
Need more Virtual Field Trips.
You can never get enough of these. Schedule them in your kids’ daily planner. Be sure to download your free template.
No permission slips required!
No signatures to forge? That’s right! Trust the educators on this site to take your kids on amazing tours.
Help has arrived....Kudos to Sheila from Texas for her resource-full post.
LOTS of parents are suddenly home with their kiddos...
We have always home schooled after I was a classroom teacher for more than a decade, so I say WELCOME and let me help you.😉
A few things to remember, this is a PERFECT time to make memories with your children and learn things beyond "normal" math and reading.
This is a great time to really help your child dig in and spend hours doing or learning something that they love or are passionate about.
Don't forget that there are TONS of documentaries on the streaming services that they might enjoy and learn a lot from.
Here are links that I have gathered to TONS of free fun learning options for all ages from toddlers to AP students to adults. Some are always free and some are only free during this current situation👇
I am making this post public, so feel free to share it far and wide.😍 If you know of a resource for FREE education (either permanent or only during this time) please share it in the comments.
✅The San Diego Zoo has a website just for kids with amazing videos, activities, and games. Enjoy the tour! https://kids.sandiegozoo.org/
✅Tour Yellowstone National Park!
✅Explore the surface of Mars on the Curiosity Rover.
✅This Canadian site FarmFood 360 offers 11 Virtual Tours of farms from minks, pigs, and cows, to apples and eggs. https://www.farmfood360.ca/
✅Indoor Activities for busy toddlers
✅Play games and learn all about animals
✅Play with fave show characters and learn too https://pbskids.org/
✅Travel to Paris, France to see amazing works of art at The Louvre with this virtual field trip.
✅This Virtual Tour of the Great Wall of China is beautiful and makes history come to life.
✅Math and Reading games https://www.funbrain.com/
✅Phonics skills https://www.starfall.com/h/
✅This iconic museum located in the heart of London allows virtual visitors to tour the Great Court and discover the ancient Rosetta Stone and Egyptian mummies. https://britishmuseum.withgoogle.com/
✅ Read, play games, and hang out with Dr. Seuss https://www.seussville.com/
✅300,000+ FREE printable worksheets from toddlers to teens https://www.123homeschool4me.com/home-school-free-printabl…/
✅Geography and animals
✅Math practice from counting to algebra and geometry http://www.mathscore.com/
✅Fave kids books read by famous people https://www.storylineonline.net/
✅Crafts, activities, mazes, dot to dot, etc, https://www.allkidsnetwork.com/
✅High school chemistry topics https://www.acs.org/…/hi…/chemmatters/articles-by-topic.html
✅Math and reading games https://www.abcya.com/
✅Math and language games https://www.arcademics.com/
✅Hands on Elem science videos https://www.backpacksciences.com/science-simplified
✅Voice based learning... learn through Alexa https://bamboolearning.com/resources
✅Fun games, recipes, crafts, activities https://www.highlightskids.com/
✅ClickSchooling brings you daily recommendations by email for entertaining websites that help your kids learn. https://clickschooling.com/
✅Math as a fun part of your daily family routine http://bedtimemath.org/
✅Games to get "into the book" https://reading.ecb.org/
✅Online history classes for all ages preteen through adultshttps://school.bighistoryproject.com/bhplive
✅Biology https://www.biologysimulations.com/
✅ Elem Math through 6th grade https://boddlelearning.com/
✅Educational games K-12 https://www.breakoutedu.com/funathome
✅Digital archive of history https://www.bunkhistory.org/
✅Test Prep for SAT, ACT, etc.https://www.bwseducationconsulting.com/handouts.php
✅Geometry https://www.canfigureit.com/
✅Resources for Spanish practice https://www.difusion.com/campus/
✅Chinese learning activities https://chalkacademy.com/
✅Music is for everyone https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Experiments
✅Science, Math, Social Studies https://www.ck12.org/student/
✅Grammar practice for middle grades https://www.classroomcereal.com/
✅Daily free science or cooking experiment to do at home.http://www.clubscikidzmd.com/blog/
✅Chemistry https://www.playmadagames.com/
✅Reading passages for grades 3-12, with reading comprehension and discussion questions. https://www.commonlit.org/
✅Vocabulary, grammar, listening activities and games in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Korean, and Latin. https://conjuguemos.com/
✅35,000 pages of online content on the cultures and countries of the world. https://www.countryreports.org/
✅K-5th Science lessons https://mysteryscience.com/
✅Tons of free classes from leading universities and companieshttps://www.coursera.org/
✅Free printable K-8 Reading and Math activity packs (available in English and Spanish) https://www.curriculumassociates.com/supporting-students-aw…
✅Digital learning content for preschool through high school https://www.curriki.org/
✅A wide range of math content from middle school through AP Calculus.https://deltamath.com/overview
✅Day-by-day projects to keep kids reading, thinking, and growing.https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/…/learnathome.html
✅3 Free Weeks of Maker Stations to keep your children creating at home! Each challenge includes simple instructions using materials around the house, QR code video resources, and a student recording sheet. bit.ly/freemakerstations
✅Classes for older teens or adults https://www.thegreatcoursesplus.com/lp/t1/freemo…
✅Online homeschool platform & curriculum for Pre-K to 12th grade. All main subjects are covered, plus extra curriculum courses.http://discoveryk12.com/dk12/
✅Printable board games, activities and more for phonics and reading all using evidence-based methods. Can be customized to any student's needs including creating flashcards for other subjects. https://dogonalogbooks.com/printables/
✅K-8 online math program that looks at how a student is solving problems to adjust accordingly and build a unique learning path for them. https://www.dreambox.com/at-home
✅Engaging reading game for grades 2-8 that combines strategy, engagement, and imaginative reading passages to create a fun, curriculum-aligned literacy game. https://www.squigglepark.com/dreamscape/
✅Higher level math series... online video series with detailed solutions to more than a thousand publicly-released College Board SAT Math, Subject Test Math Level 1, and Subject Test Math Level 2 problems.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbQoCpvYRYRkRRvsObOPHaA…
✅Foreign languages https://www.duolingo.com/
✅Interactive video earth science based curriculum supplement. https://www.everyday-earth.com/
✅A safe research site for elementary-level readers. They are offering -- free 24/7 access
USERNAME: read (case sensitive)
PASSWORD: read (case sensitive)
✅Resources for AP students including live reviews, live trivia, and study guides! https://app.fiveable.me/
✅Educational brain breaks to help students review essential literacy and math skills, while getting in some exercise. Find over 900 videos to help your child keep learning at home and burn off some extra energy. Our site is best used for ages 4-8. https://fluencyandfitness.com/register/school-closures/
✅Movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts. https://www.gonoodle.com/
✅7,000 free videos in 13 subject areas https://hippocampus.org/
✅Carmen Sandiego videos, stories, and lessons for all subject areashttps://www.carmensandiego.com/resources/
✅Math Videos with lessons, real life uses of math, famous actors https://www.hmhco.com/math-at-work
✅Entertaining & educational videos for all levels and subjects
✅Online education program for toddler through high school...https://www.khanacademy.org/
✅Free Printables for PreK-2nd Grade https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/…/Lite…/Price-Range/Free
✅Free printables library with activities for children 0-6https://www.littlesparkcompany.com/printables-library
✅Free at-home kids yoga lesson planshttps://littletwistersyoga.com/online-store/
✅Magic Spell is a carefully crafted spelling adventure.https://brainbox.games/
✅Resources for AP students https://marcolearning.com/
✅Enter your math problem or search term, press the button, and they show you the step-by-step work and answer instantly. 2nd grade through college. https://www.mathcelebrity.com/online-math-tutor.php
✅Elem Math games, logic puzzles and educational resources https://www.mathplayground.com/
✅Poetry and music https://www.thewell.world/mindful-mu…/mindful-poetry-moments
✅3D printing projects and Coding projects, involving math and other K-12 subjects https://www.instructables.com/…/EdgertonCent…/instructables/
✅Introductory and intermediate music theory lessons, exercises, ear trainers, and calculators. https://www.musictheory.net/
✅Scads of free resources, games, learning resources, and lesson plans for teaching personal finance https://www.ngpf.org/
✅Improve your typing skills while competing in fast-paced races with up to 5 typers from around the world. https://www.nitrotype.com/
✅Illustrated recipes designed to help kids age 2-12 cook with their grown-ups. Recipes encourage culinary skills, literacy, math, and science.https://www.nomsterchef.com/nomster-recipe-library
✅Online curriculum that builds better writers. https://www.noredink.com/
✅80+ do at home science activities https://elementalscience.com/…/n…/80-free-science-activities
✅Daily lessons and educational activities that kids can do on their ownhttps://www.superchargedschool.com/
✅Adaptive curriculum in Math and ELA for Grades K-8
✅Novel Effect makes storytime a little more fun for kids (and grown-ups too!) As you read out loud from print books (or ebooks!) music, sound effects, and character voices play at just the right moment, adjusting and responding to your voice. https://noveleffect.com/
✅Quick & easy at home projects curated for kids 2 and up
✅Teaches students how to write a paragraph through interactive online tutorial http://www.paragraphpunch.com/
✅PreK-12 digital media service with more than 30,000 learning materials https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/
✅Curricular content hub specifically designed for K-3 students.
✅Science and math labs and simulations https://phet.colorado.edu/
✅An online physics problem and video bank designed for conceptual, standard, honors or AP1 physics. https://www.positivephysics.org/home
✅Prodigies is a colorful music curriculum for kids 1-12 that will teach your kids how to play their first instrument, how to sing in tune & how to understand the language of music! 21 for free https://prodigiesmusic.com/
✅Free videos from around the world from grade 3-12
✅QuaverMusic is offering free access to general music activities to all impacted schools, including free student access at-home https://www.quavermusic.com/info/at-home-resources/
✅For students to practice and master whatever they are learning. https://quizlet.com/
✅ReadWorks is an online resource of reading passages and lesson plans for students of all levels K-12. https://www.readworks.org/
✅Critical Thinking resources for K-6 students https://marketplace.mythinkscape.com/store/redtkids
✅Music Based Spanish Learning https://rockalingua.com/
✅Science simulations, scientist profiles, and other digital resources for middle school science and high school biology
✅The Shurley English program for grades K-8 provides a clear, logical, and concrete approach to language arts. https://www.shurley.com/
✅Sight reading and sight singing practice exercises. https://www.sightreadingfactory.com/
✅Music practice transformed https://www.smartmusic.com/
✅Spellingcity is free right now with code VSCFree90
✅Kid-friendly workouts — choose from Strength for Kids, Agility for Kids, Flexibility and Balance for Kids, Warm-Up for Kids, Cooldown for Kids, Stand Up and Move for Kids, OR create your own custom kid workout.https://app.sworkit.com/collections/kids-workouts
✅A collection of hundreds of free K-12 STEM resources, from standalone models and simulations to short activities and week long sequences of curriculum materials. https://learn.concord.org/
✅Course sets (Levels 1–5) that combine and thoroughly cover phonics, reading, writing, spelling, literature, grammar, punctuation, art, and geography—all in one easy-to-use, beautiful course.https://www.goodandbeautiful.com/
✅At home OT, PT, and ST resources designed to build skills in children through movement and play. https://www.theottoolbox.com/
✅Science projects that can be completed with or without Internet accesshttps://sciencespot.net/Pages/classhome.html
✅Keyboarding practice https://www.typingclub.com/ or https://www.typing.com/
✅Next Generation Science video game focused on middle school where students directly engage in science phenomena as they solve problems.https://www.tytoonline.com/
✅Short videos and readings that answer various burning questions for students. There are vocabulary challenges and comprehension questions. http://wonderopolis.org/
✅Math practice https://xtramath.org/#/home/index
✅K-5 curriculum that builds deep understanding and a love of learning math for all students https://www.zearn.org/
✅A quick start resource to help families pull together a plan for surviving the next 1-2 months at home with their kids, but it can also be a time of slowing down and enjoying kids as they learn.
Preschool through 8th gradehttps://abetterwaytohomeschool.com/learning-at-home-everyth…
✅450 Ivy League courses that you can take https://www.freecodecamp.org/…/ivy-league-free-online-cou…/…
✅Spelling 1-4 grade
✅2,500+ online courses from top institutions https://www.edx.org/
✅22 languages to learn https://www.memrise.com/
✅Learn to code https://www.codecademy.com/
✅Miscellaneous games for all subjects k-8 https://www.funbrain.com/
✅Phonics and learning to read https://readingeggs.com/
✅PreK - 5 games for all subjects https://www.turtlediary.com/
✅Online digital coloring pages https://www.thecolor.com/
✅Every course you could possibly want to homeschool preschool - 8https://allinonehomeschool.com/
✅Every course you could possibly want to homeschool for high school https://allinonehighschool.com/
✅Phonics worksheets for kids https://www.funfonix.com/
✅Free stories online ages 3-12 https://www.freechildrenstories.com/
✅National Geographic Young Explorers is a magazine designed specifically for kindergarten and first grade students. Children can listen to the magazine being read to them as they follow along with the highlighted text. https://ngexplorer.cengage.com/ngyoungexplorer/index.html
✅Learn all about earthquakes https://earthquake.usgs.gov/learn/kids/
✅Learn all about the periodic table https://www.chemicool.com/
✅Farmer's almanac for kids... Date, weather, moon phase, etc.https://www.almanac.com/kids
✅Guide to gardening for kids https://web.extension.illinois.edu/firstgarden/
✅Website allows students to play basic games to reinforce math skills and compete against the computer or others https://www.mangahigh.com/en-us/
✅Space science for kiddos https://www.nasa.gov/kidsclub/index.html
✅Math Games, Logic Puzzles and Brain Builders https://www.mathplayground.com/
✅Games, quizzes and fact sheets take kids on a journey through time.https://www.bbc.co.uk/history/forkids/
✅NGAkids interactives offer an entertaining and informative introduction to art and art history. https://www.nga.gov/education/kids.html
✅News and more for kids https://www.youngzine.org/
✅Randomly generates 356,300,262,144 story starters
✅Immerse yourself in cryptography https://www.cryptoclub.org/
✅Math games galore https://gridclub.com/
✅Tons of science experiments that you can do at home
✅An interactive way to learn history
✅Just explore, have fun, and learn some science along the way.https://thehappyscientist.com/
✅Interactive games based on the book series
✅Work on the 8 parts of speech https://www.grammaropolis.com/
✅Learn all about cells https://www.cellsalive.com/
✅All sorts of learning here if you dig in https://www.google.com/earth/
✅Scratch draws students of all types into coding and lays a foundation for future learning. https://scratch.mit.edu/
✅A wonderful, endlessly detailed way to get kids engaged in the world of art. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/online-features/metkids/
✅Tests kids’ geography skills. Using images from Google’s Street View, it plops players down in the middle of the street and asks them to figure out where they are. https://www.geoguessr.com/
✅Allows students to type in any city, state, or country to view an archive of historical photographs and other documents. It’s a unique way to help them learn about history.
✅Short videos about numbers that help kids explore complex math topics and make math more fun. https://www.numberphile.com/
✅A human visualization platform that allows students to explore the human body in really cool ways. https://human.biodigital.com/login?returnUrl=/dashboard
✅Helps kids learn to appreciate the arts by providing them with the opportunity to play games, conduct investigations, and explore different forms of art. https://artsology.com/
✅Lets kids play instruments online. Instruments include the guitar, piano, pan flute, drums, and bongos. https://www.virtualmusicalinstruments.com/
✅Crafts, activities, bulletin board designs, and finger plays for early education teachers and parents to use with kids.
✅A large selection of fun songs to help teach preschool and kindergarten students https://www.songsforteaching.com/preschoolkindergarten.htm
✅Resource section includes free flashcards, coloring pages, worksheets, and other resources for children, teachers, and parents.https://supersimple.com/
✅Life skills curriculum for students in grades K-12. Their resources include strategies for teaching social and emotional skills.https://www.overcomingobstacles.org/
✅Coding for ages 4-10 https://www.kodable.com/
✅No need to travel to one of the Smithsonian’s zoos or museums — this website brings your child everything from live video of the National Zoo to the Smithsonian Learning Lab right to their screen https://www.si.edu/kids
✅Cool Kid Facts gives your child access to educational videos, pictures, quizzes, downloadable worksheets, and infographics. They can use these to learn about geography, history, science, animals, and even the human body.
✅This interactive website, hosted by the U.S. Government Publishing Office, allows your child to see the ins and outs of the U.S. government by taking a series of learning adventures with none other than Benjamin Franklin. https://bensguide.gpo.gov/
✅This NASA initiative covers a wide range of topics including weather, climate, atmosphere, water, energy, plants, and animals.https://climatekids.nasa.gov/
✅Ask Dr. Universe is a science-education project from Washington State University. Kids can send Dr. Universe any question they may have about history, geography, plants, animals, technology, engineering, math, culture, and more.
✅Your child can play games, learn fun facts, and find out how to turn coin collecting into a hobby. https://www.usmint.gov/learn/kids
✅From rainbows to tornadoes and winter storms to tsunamis, meteorologist Crystal Wicker breaks down the fascinating world of weather.http://www.weatherwizkids.com/
✅Kids Think Design explores careers in fashion design, graphic design, interior design, book design, product design, film and theatre, architecture, animation, and environmental design. http://www.kidsthinkdesign.org/
✅This educational website hosted by the Smithsonian Museum takes a deep dive into ocean life. https://ocean.si.edu/
✅Brainscape offers over a million flashcard decks for every subject, entrance exam, and certification imaginable. https://www.brainscape.com/
✅The Theta Music Trainer offers a series of online courses and games for ear training and music theory.
✅Banzai exposes students to real-world financial dilemmas to teach them the importance of smart money management. https://www.teachbanzai.com/
✅Innerbody explores the 11 bodily systems in depth. With interactive models and detailed explanations, this website will help them learn more about the internal mechanics of the amazing human body.https://www.innerbody.com/htm/body.html
Kudos to Sheilia Haaga for compiling this list and posting it on FB. https://www.facebook.com/shelia.haaga/posts/10221908454046694
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